Wish You Could Come feat. Satica

The song "Wish You Could Come feat. Satica" was born from a writing session in LA in late October last year by Yaffle, a producer who has worked with numerous Japanese artists and film music.
This song is the second LA co-written song to be released for distribution, following "Magic Touch feat. Lost Boy" released late last year.

数々の日本人アーティストや映画音楽を手掛けるプロデューサーのYaffleが、昨年10月下旬にLAで行ったライティング・セッションから生まれた楽曲「Wish You Could Come feat. Satica」。
この曲は、昨年末にリリースした「Magic Touch feat. Lost Boy」に続くLAコライト楽曲第2弾として配信リリース。
